Friday, July 22, 2011

The feeling

Do you remember the feeling? The one that made your heart jump a little at the thought of getting to see the one you love? The one that made you hurry to get the phone or be early for your date just so you could talk to him. I remember it. I had it bad. Every day was measured by whether or not he was somewhere in it.

Want to know a secret? I still have that feeling. Sure, it's changed some. I don't care if I'm early when we go out to dinner. I don't forget to eat while I'm talking to him over our meal. But I still find myself checking my watch to see when he gets home so I get home when he does. I still hurry to the phone if I know it's him and I still get a little happier at the thought of seeing him.

We've been married seventeen years this August and of that seventeen years we've both been gone here and there. He fished tournaments all over the mid-west when we were first married. I went out of town with the girls and still do for that matter. I go on vacations without him because I'm not waiting on him to find the time. I rather think of myself as an independent woman you see. So when he told me he was going out of the country for work, I knew I would be okay.

But I miss him. I've found out all over again that inside for him and him alone I am still a giddy young woman who would give anything to see him.


  1. Awww. Sorry your sweetie's not near right now, Anne. :(

    Yes, I remember the earliest days of "the feeling," though not with my husband. My daughter unearthed my diary from the first crush I had on a guy. We are talking a light-year ago, but I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Of course I'm long over that guy, though thankfully not over my guy. :)

    But it's good for us, as romance writers, to be able to tap into that feeling, and the feelings of missing someone, so we can relate better to our characters, write them better from gaining their perspective.

    Great post, Anne. Hope he comes home soon!

  2. I,too remember that feeling!.I do agree with you that with time it evolves from that queasy, hearth thumping emotion to a more natural longing for that person that's become your other half.Althought i no longer get butterflies but his voice at the other end of the line still gives me goosebumps. Yes, after 10 years and counting.

    Hope your hubby comes home soon : )

  3. Great Post! I do remember the feeling. It's a wondering feeling, especial if you still have.
