Friday, January 14, 2011

Do you enjoy it or do you fake it?

Everybody does it. They fake it, too. Don't let them kid you.

They have their minds on the grammar, the critiques they have yet to return, the critique they received that makes them want to cry. You know, everyday writers thoughts. But do they enjoy it? Do you even know you are missing the good stuff?

I admit it. I've been faking it and without realizing I was. When writing becomes a job, as it should with all serious writers, the writing itself can become a rush. Push yourself, rush, rush to the end. Faster, faster! Do you NaNo? Do you JaNo? How many words did you write today?

It's good. That nudge that reminds you that you need to write. Everyday. Every single way you can. Even if it's crap. But what about the enjoyment? Isn't that why we started it all?

So today, right now, remember to add the spice of happiness when you write. This is what you love.


  1. Thanks for the reminder, Anne. It's so important to love what we do, even if it has become a job or chore.


  2. Very timely reminder for me. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Very true post, Anne! When anything becomes a job, the element of fun can disappear easily if we're not careful.

  4. Writing is what gets me up in the morning and keeps me awake at night as I'm dreaming of plots, characters or how to string words together for that perfect combination. Writing is a job for me as well, but I try to have other forms of writing when on particular form starts to drag on me. For example, I'm a non-fiction freelance writer. So I have my fiction to flee to most of the time. However, even my fiction can become a chore when I'm stuck, so I have my feature writing about people, places and events to recharge. If all else fails, I can always write a letter or about my children who always give me lots of entertaining stories.

  5. Anytime writing becomes more of job than a hobby, it becomes work. It's that simple. You can still enjoy your job, but it's not the same thing any more.
